
About Me:

I am a student teacher in Texas teaching 8th grade science, and I love what I do.
Did I always want to be a teacher?  Not by a long shot!

Growing up, I wanted to be a high construction builder and an artist, then a paleontologist, then an engineer (until I took geometry in high school), then a geneticist, and finally an anthropologist.  In college, I really found my niche in anthropology.  I love people more than I can express, and some of my most meaningful experiences include meeting strangers and hearing their life stories (it sounds a bit odd, but it happens to me all the time).  I also greatly enjoyed psychology and ended up getting the equivalent of a double major in Anthropology and Psychology.  At first, in my "anything is possible and money doesn't matter at all" post grad mindset, I wanted to study psychological anthropology or perhaps cultural universals, but unfortunately, I quickly realized that at this point in my life, I wouldn't be able to pursue those paths.

I then remembered what I enjoyed so much about anthropology in the first place--I love people.  I don't just mean learning about people or that I find their habits, downfalls, and unique interests endearing and interesting but that I truly love them.  I realized that as long as I am working with people on a close level, I will love my work.  I could truly enjoy and find a way to be passionate about what I do.

So that left it down to counseling and teaching in my mind.
Teaching won.

I have now been student teaching for almost 4 months, and I will finish in one week.  I am extremely satisfied with my decision, and cannot wait to see the adventures that are in store (hopefully, they're mostly positive!). Onward!

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